Chat - Charisma does a brief chat with UltimateTV
(July 1999). Webmaster's Note: Be sure to look out for the question
asked by Mesuvius! :)
pour souls into city of 'Angel'" -
Article mainly about Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt but also mentions
Cordelia's future role in Angel. From USA TODAY (July 1999)
of Angel" - an exclusive preview of Angel from Entertainment
Weekly including quotes from David Boreanaz, Joss Whedon, and, of course,
Charisma (May 1999)
It" - short article on Charisma's
experience with Tae-Bo from EW Online (May
12, 1999)
- very short article about Charisma from Maxim (Feb 1999)
A pretty good article
about "Angel" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer Magazine
days and Mondays" - Sidebar
article about Charisma's experience with beauty pageants from the official
the Vampire Slayer Magazine (Winter 1998)
got Charisma" - a great article and interview with Charisma from
the official Buffy the Vampire Slayer Magazine (Winter 1998).
Definitely a must for any Charisma fan.
the Scenes at Buffy"- a continuation
of the previous article but more from the perspective of Xander and Cordelia.
From YM Magazine (Summer 1998)
Bites" - interview with Charisma
and Nicholas Brendon about their love lifes from YM Magazine (Summer